Two years ago, Bukeyo Garawahle enrolled for the Tirrim Literacy Programme with the intention of learning how to read and write in the Rendille language.
“I was excited to learn how to write numbers and also to write my name in my language. At the time of my enrollment, the Rendille New Testament had just been dedicated but I could not read it. As the classes progressed, my desire to learn how to read grew the more as I really longed to read this Holy Book in my own language and to know Jesus more personally.”

Bukeyo graduated from the literacy class in August 2020, which marked two years since the launch and dedication of the Rendille New Testament. She was gifted a copy of the New Testament as a reward for completing her classes successfully. “I cannot imagine that I can now read God’s word in my own language! This is a precious Book to me. Jesus is everything to me. I am eager to share my new faith in the village.”