*Kazuri is a pleasant old woman, who cannot stop smiling. Are you always this happy? I ask her, as we chat outside her house. “Yes, who would not be? since I became a Christian, I have known only Joy. I do not even get sick – I was a sickly woman.
She is eager to tell me how she became a Christian. “ I heard a man preaching in Kigiryama, reading from the New Testament and I said, “that God must be real. He knows our language! The more I listened to him preaching, the more I became interested. My grandchild continued reading to me and telling me about Jesus. Soon, I knew that I needed to commit my life to this God…”
As I look at *Kazuri, I can tell that this joy I see on her face comes from her heart. “What wasted years!” She says, staring into the horizon. “The life without Jesus! How vain! I wish I could live again”. But I thank God that He has saved me before I die”. She is so fascinating to listen to. She gives me her life story – of visits to witch doctors, broken relationships and many unpleasant things that have happened to her in her lifetime – things she truly regrets. But she is grateful that they belong to her past. I am curious to know if she can read and whether she reads the Kigiryama New Testament.
“No, I cannot read! But I thank God for my grandchildren and her friends. We hold a Bible Study meeting here every Wednesday. She and other brethren read the word of God to me and to others who cannot read. It is so good to hear the Bible read in my language! I wish that this word had come when I was young!” she concludes I can imagine her reaction when she finally reads The Giryama Full Bible; tears of joy. I am hopeful to meet her soon during the launch and dedication of the Giryama Complete Bible.
by Florence Wamae